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Interaction with Mr.Deepak Belavadi and Shri Tushar Gandhi
on the relevance of Computer Education for Rural Development
SACRED Trust’s 8th Summer Computer Training Course commenced from 11th April 2011 at three villages in Kanakapura taluk and in Kanakapura town: 265 students have volunteered to undergo training
Inauguration of the Training Course at the Trust’s own Computer Centre in Doddamuduwadi village on 11.4.2011. Lighting the lamp are: Mataji Amritamayee, Swamini Deepti Mayee, K.S.Narayana, Bangara Shetty, Trustee, Krishnappa and Ravi, the latter 3 are residents of Doddamuduwadi village. Photograph by V.N.Vasudev |
8th Summer Computer Training Course will be commenced soon at the Trust’s Computer Centre in Doddamuduwadi village and at GHPS (Upgraded), Medamaranahalli near Harohalli, Adarsha Vidya Mandira, Hukunda, Kanakapura taluk At the Trustees meeting held on 31.3.2011 we decided to continue to hold Summer Computer Training Courses in Kanakapura taluk as done in the past. After a detailed discussion amongst us (Vijaya Kumar, Prabhakara, Narayana, Bangara Shetty and myself) we decided to hold the computer training courses at the following three centres, all in Kanakapura taluk.
Our centre at Doddamuduwadi village is now fully equipped with 8 computers, modern batteries and UPS. K.S. Narayana, our district computer literacy co-ordinator will conduct the training course at this centre. Our Trustee, Bangara Shetty resident of Doddamuduwadi will look after the logistics and other administrative aspects of holding the Training at this centre. Shri Krishnappa, Head Master of Medamaranahalli school was entirely responsible for influencing our decision to hold this year’s summer training course at this village. As you all know there is heavy power cut in our villages. To solve the power back up problem Shri Krishnappa requested Mr.Srinivas, a Philanthrophist native of Medamaranahalli to provide power backups. Mr.Srinivas spoke to me extending his full support for holding the computer training at Medamaranahalli. Narayana and his team are shifting 4 computers to this centre today taking the total number of computers at this centre to 6. My good friend Shri Gundanna, Founder of the Adarsha Vidya Mandira at Hukunda village has welcomed us to hold this year’s training course at his school. Initially, at a request made by Shri Ankamadegowda, Head Master of GHPS, Inorugollahalli, the Trust had decided to hold computer training course at his school. However, due to the power problem we all decided to request Shri.Gundanna who readily agreed to provide all facilities at his school. The distance between Inorugollahalli and Hukunda is just a kilometer. The Kanakapura taluk Prajavani News Paper has carried an advertisement on the computer training courses proposed to be held at the above centres. There is a very good response from the school children. Over 100 phone calls were received today morning by Narayana and Bangara Shetty expressing interest to undergo training at these centres. We will get back to you with the exact number of children and youth after the training courses are commenced at these centres. Dr.V.N.Vasudev |
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Free Distribution of 36 LED Lamps to the deserving students of
GHPS, Kanakapura by our Trust on 5th Feb. 2011
In continuation of the previous event, the SACRED Trust distributed LED lamps to 36 students chosen from economically poor families as well as from among bright students at Govt. Higher Primary School, Bananthamaramma Badavane, Kanakapura. The students were selected by Shri Kumar, Head Master of the school and his colleagues. The occasion was graced by Shri.Kumar, Shri.Shivalingaiah, Shri.Anjaneya (PRP), Shri.Bhaskar of Jaya Karnataka, Shri.Padmanabhan (Trustee), Narayana (Computer Literacy Co-ordinator) and his co-teachers. The function was compered by Smt.Sujata, teacher at GHPS. The event was inaugurated by 2 students. At the end of the function a few students spoke expressing their happiness and thanking the organizers for the LED lamps that they received. Vasudev explained how the lamps should be used. A few selected photographs captured on the occasion are posted below.
New Computer Training Centre at Doddamuduwadi village nearing completion
Photo taken by Vasudev on 5th February 2011
Free Distribution of 95 LED Lamps to 95 Village students in Kanakapura taluk by our Trust on 2nd January 2011
SACRED Trust distributed LED lamps to 95 students from economically poor families who have no or limited facility to access electrical power for their studies. Such students from GHPS, Bananthamaramma Badavane of Kanakapura, Higher Primary Schools in villages belonging to Doddamudavadi and Kottagal panchayats have been distributed the LED lamps. The LED (Light Emitting Diode) lamps have been introduced in India by Dr.Ranganayakalu (Harward University, USA) who is manufacturing LED lamps in Hyderabad in his company “ THRIVE ENERGY”, under ‘One Child One Light’ programme. Our trust came to know of this from Shri. Vijaya Bhaskar, an young computer Engineer who is associated with Dr.Ranganayakulu. Our Trust is introducing the LED lamps in Karnataka to help poor students in their studies. Each lamp is priced at Rs.250/- and the Trust has procured 100 such lamps from THRIVE ENERGY, Hyderabad.
SACRED TRUST "Personality Development Programme" for village students of Kanakapura TalukHeld at Adarsha Vidyalaya, Hukunda village, Kanakapura taluk on 13th and 14th Nov. 2010SACRED Trust in association with Shri Gundanna, Founder Manager of Adarsha Vidyalaya in Hukunda conducted a two day Personality Development Programme (Vyakti Vikasana Shibira) on the 13th and 14th of November 2010. Shri S.Seetaramu and Shri B.S.Chandrashekar were the resource persons. They were assisted by Shri Gundanna himself besides Shri Ankamade Gowda, Head Master of a private High School in Ainoru Gollahalli and Shri K.M.Mahesh of Govt. High School, Hukunda. 45 students studying in 8th, 9th and 10th std. were selected to undergo training under this programme. The resource persons are well known for their contribution in banking and literary circles in Karnataka State as well as on all India level. Their outstanding CV's are given below. The arrangements made by Shri Gundanna for the programme also listed below. The SACRED Trust sponsored the programme and Smt Malati Vasudev distributed the prizes to 10 outstanding students. At the end of the programme about 30 students volunteered spoke about their impressions and benefits of the programme. All the students welcomed the programme and immensely thanked the resource person. All most all the students suggested that this programme should go on in the villages of Kanakapura taluk for the benefit of other students. This is second programme that the SACRED Trust has sponsored. The first one was held at Kotgal village in Kanakapura taluk.Dr.V.N.VASUDEV |
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SACRED TRUST Dasara Vacation Computer Basic Training Camp at I am happy to report that our Trust conducted a computer Training camp during Dasara Vacation at Chikkamuduvadi Centre for 20 days from 4th Oct. 2010 to 23rd Oct. 2010. Classes were held between 9 am to 2 pm. Nagaraju, our Computer Teacher and Narayana, Computer Literacy Coordinator have taught Basics and advanced computer lessons (DTP). 19 Students have attended the camp of which 17 students from 3 villages attended for Computer basic training classes which includes Switching on and off of computers, MS Paint, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point and Internet basics. Two students attended DTP classes which included Adobe Page Maker, Photo Shop and Coral Draw. All the students were given a course completion certificate on 24th October 2010 at a small valedictory function held at Chikkamuduvadi center. As always, the children went out smiling with a sense of achievement. Dr.V.N.Vasudev and Vijay Kumar Report posted on 23.11.2010
I had reported to all of you about the commencement of the 7th Summer Computer Training Course under our Trust. The course was held for 45 days at two centers; Govt. Higher Primary School, Kanakapura and the Trust's own centre in Chikkamuduwadi village. 85 students attended the course regularly at our Kanakapura Centre whereas only 28 children out of over 50 children from 5 villages enrolled at our Chikkamuduwadi centre. The main reason for the short fall in attendance at Chikkamuduwadi Centre was the frequent power cut which frustrated the children. We were able to teach only for 4 hours a day at this centre.
Many children walked 2 to 4 km from their resident villages to the Muduwadi centre, some of them crossing the Arkawathy river (there is neither water nor sand in this river now!). Girl students were more in number than boy students. (see the pictures taken at the Valedictory function).
The students were taught Microsoft Office, MSWord, MSExcel, MS Power Point, Paint, Movie Maker, Page Maker, Corel Draw and Photoshop.
Among those who took the training in Kanakapura, 17 students knew how to operate a computer and Microsoft Office. Many of them had attended our course in the last 2 years. Therefore, they opted for undergoing training in D.T.P.
Our computer literacy coordinator K.S.Narayana and Instructor Nagaraju came in for big praise by all the students. Nagaraju taught at our Chikkamuduwadi Centre. Every one of the ten students who spoke at the Valedictory praised Narayana for not only his teaching skills but also for his keen interest in the progress of every student and the affection with which he treated the students. Nagaraju also earned the admiration and gratitude of the students he taught at Chikkamuduwadi.
The Valedictory function was held on the 22nd May in Kanakapura. It was attended by myself and my wife Malathi Vasudev (Founder Trustee) and daughter Kum.Akhila Vasudev, working as a Software Engineer in Infosys. Vijaya Kumar, our Trust Computer Literacy Administrator who first started the summer course way back in 2005 at Doddamuwadi; N.R. Prabhakara, District Literacy Coordinator, Nalini, Trust's Bangalore office Assistant who came to interview the students; Jaijeet - Software Engineer in Accenture, who was one of the 4 member team who interviewed the students.
Shri.Padmanabhan, Educationist and Founder of the 20 year old Kittoor Channamma School at Chitradurga was the Chief Guest. Shri.Kumar, Head Master of Govt. Higher Primary School in Kanakapura presided over the function. Smt.Sujatha, Teacher at the GHPS, Kanakapura compeered the event so efficiently that she came in for praise by students and others gathered at the function.
The trust had instituted 21 prizes for the merited among the children who under went the training. They were chosen on the basis of written test conducted by Narayana. My good friend Seshagiri Mutya in Abu dhabi sponsored the prizes for all. The ‘Best of All’ received a prize worth Rs.500/- of educational materials. The next best three 1st 2nd & 3rd Rs.300/- each. The next seven Rs.100/- each & next ten Rs.50/- each.
The names of the merited children who received the prize are
1. Nirmala (“Best of All” – Rs.500 worth of educational material of candidate’s choice)
THREE FIRST PRIZES (A+ Grade) – Rs.300/- each
2. Poornima, P.
3. Suma, K.
4. Nagaveni, N.
5. Bhavana. A (student of IIIrd Std.)
SEVEN PRIZES (B+ Grade) – Rs.100/- each
6. Vinoda, K.
7. Pooja, A.S.
8. Pushpalatha, B.
9. Meghana, N.
10. Spoorthi, A.N.
11. Prashanth, N.
12. Mamatha, R.
13. Sunil, S.
14. Ramya, A.S.
15. Chaithra Shree, M.
16. Chandan, B.M.
17. Danajaya, V.
18. Thejas Kumar
19. Ranjitha
20. Chithra, M.
21. Anushree, C.
22. Akshatha, T.M.
Ten students spoke on the occasion. They narrated the subjects that they had learnt and the utility of the computer education in their studies and how they propose to use their knowledge in their daily life as well. The children knew about Internet, e-mail, and web search which facilitate interaction with others and access to knowledge generated by Govt. agencies, private organizations and individuals.
Some students requested that the Trust should spread its Computer Literacy activities to other villages so that every student in the age group of 8 to 16 years becomes a “Computer Literate”. Well, that is exactly the objective of the Trust: To see that children in villages do not feel shy to interact with urban children as the former in our villages are in no way inferior to their counter parts in Urban India.
In my talk, I specifically emphasized on the advantages of learning English which would make them feel confident to interact with urban children. In fact, Vijaya Kumar, Our Trust Administrator, started teaching English language to rural students 5 years ago at our first Computer Centre in Doddamudavadi Village.
Akhila Vasudev advised students to keep in touch with computers and keep practicing as there is so much to know about the ways a computer can be utilized.
Photographs taken on the occasion are posted here. I wish to specifically draw your attention to the photo of the little girl Bhavana. Bhavana is studying in 3rd Standard. At the time of our visit to the computer centre in Kanakapura she was doing movie maker. Our Literacy Coordinator Narayana said that she learnt Movie Maker on her own with only occasional guidance from him.
Also see the big group photos and the 21 prize winning students with their certificates.
The whole event was a source of joy for all of us. All our efforts were worth it. I say a special word of thanks to Sheshagiri Mutya, ‘Cipla’ Nagaraj, Naresh Bajaj & Dr. Shoba Venkatanagappa in Australia for their unconditional & whole hearted support. My good friend Vijay Dwivedi, Young Software Engineer working in CISCO was instrumental in arranging donation of 30 good computers to the Trust. I am grateful to him and CISCO for their generous help. By donating computers Vijay Dwivedi & CISCO have significantly contributed to the growth of computer education in the country.
The team of specialists examining the computer skills of the children at Kanakapura Centre |
Little Bhavana immersed in her own computer world |
Malathi Vasudev, Founder Trustee with Bhawana |
Vijay Kumar and Narayana testing the computer skills of Nirmala who won the "Best of All" prize. |
Nirmala who won the "Best of All" prize |
Nirmala with her co-trainee |
Jai Jeet, Software Engineer, Accenture with Vijay Kumar interviewing the students. |
Sharan, 4th Std. studying in Bangalore, son of Nalini, Trust Office Assistant showing his skills in operating a computer. |
Sujata, Teacher from GHPS, Kanakapura with Malathi Vasudev with prize winning students Suma and Pushpalata from Chikkamuduwadi |
Narayana admiring Bhavana. Nagaraju (white shirt), our Trust's computer teacher at Chikkamuduwadi |
Akhila Vasudev, interviewing students |
Children at the Valedictory function on 22.5.2010 |
A student narrating his computer skills developed during the training course. |
A student narrating her computer skills developed during the training course. |
N.R. Prabhakara and Narayana revealing the names of prize winning students. |
Bhawana narrating her experience |
Students presenting a momento to Narayana and Nagaraju who trained the students for 45 continuous days at Kanakapura and Chikkamuduwadi |
Shri Kumar, Head Master, GHPS, Kanakapura speaking to the students |
Students who won the prizes with their certificates 1) Nirmala, (2) Poornima, P., (3) Suma, K. (4) Nagaveni, N. (5) Bhavana. A (6) Vinoda, K., (7) Pooja, A.S. (8) Pushpalatha, B. |
Founder Managing Trustee
Govt. Higher Primary School, Kanakapura
About 100 students in 5 batches are attending the 7th summer training course regularly. Among them 17 students who have attended the training course earlier are now learning DTP. See the following pictures taken on the 5th of May 2010. K.S.Narayana - Our Computer Literacy Coordinator was happy to report to me that 80% of the children have made significant progress in operating the computer.
Children returning to their villages from Chikkamuduwadi Computer Training Centre |
The Training Centre at Chikkamuduwadi is in the far right; the RHINO-SACRED Trust's service Ambulance is in the foreground. The road links Ramanagaram and Kanakapura towns. |
7th Summer Computer Training Course inaugurated at GHPS, Kanakapura on 11th April 2010 by Dr.V.N.Vasudev, Founder, Managing Trustee in presence of Sri Narayana, District Computer Literacy Coordinator. 94 students are attending the course in 5 batches.
First Summer Computer Training Course inaugurated by Dr.V.N.Vasudev, Founder, Managing Trustee on 11.4.2010 at the Trust's Computer Centre in Chikkamuduwadi village. Present on the occasion were Bangara Shetty, Trustee and r/o Doddamuduwadi and Nagaraju, Computer Literacy teacher
Photo of the Relocated Computer Training Centre under Construction in Doddamuduwadi village as on 11/4/2010
at the Auditorium of Town Tennis Club, Kanakapura.
About 600 people of the town and from the surrounding villages gathered to see the play. The following images give details about the event.
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RHINO (Rural Health International Non-Profit Organization, USA)
in association with SACRED Trust
4th February 2010
With the intention of assisting people below poverty line in rural area of Kanakapura and Ramanagara Taluks in South Karnataka, RHINO-the US based charitable organization headed by Ajay Gopalakrishna as it’s President in association with SACRED Trust has started Ambulance service for rural medical emergencies. A new TATA Wingor airconditioned Ambulance was donated by the highly benevolent Shri Seshagiri Muthya and his son Sandeep Muthya of Bangalore currently residing in Abu Dhabi.
A function to mark the inauguration of this service was held in Chikkamuduwadi village on 4th February 2010. The service was inaugurated by Shri M.S.Nagaraj, MD of Vaman Pharma Ltd. and his wife Smt.Vasanta Nagaraj who have contributed significantly to equip the Ambulance with necessary medical gadgets. Dr.Lakshman, resident of Chikkamuduwadi having his own clinic in the village and Bangara Shetty of Doddamuduwadi village will manage the Ambulance service under the overall guidance of RHINO and SACRED Trust.
Founder Managing Trustee
4th February 2010
The centre was inaugurated by Dr.R.Srinivasan and Mrs.Malathi Srinivasan in presence of Dr.V.N.Vasudev and Malathi Vasudev, Founder Trustees, K.S. Narayana, Computer literacy Co-ordinator, N.R.Prabhakar, District Computer Literacy Co-ordinator and Bangara Shetty, Trustee, Doddamuduwadi.
Founder Managing Trustee
Shri Erappa, English Master with the Group of teachers of GHPS, Kanakapura, undergoing training in English Language (December 2009)
OUR TRUSTEE SHRI. NAGARAJ'S SON HAS OWN THE PRESTIGIOUS Schetcter Synyster Gates Scholarship for the year 2009 IN HOLLYWOOD, USA
I am very happy to announce that Sandesh Nagaraj(SANJU), son of Shri.M.S. Nagaraj, Our Founder Trustee and MD of Vaman Pharma Ltd, has won the coveted Schetcter Synyster Gates Scholarship for the year 2009 at the MUSICIANS INSTITUTE in Hollywood. Sandesh was already a merited student of Guitar when he landed in Hollywood.
In the photograph above you will see Mr. Jude Gold, GIT Director , congratulating Sandesh on winning the scholarship. Mr Jude Gold while profusely complimenting Sandesh said that he looks forward to seeing Sandesh inspire a new generation of young metal guitar players just like Mr. Synyster Gates did after finishing GIT. Let us all wish him the best in his career at the MUSICIANS INSTITUTE in Hollywood.
Vasudev V N
Founder Managing Trustee
SACRED Trust: see Montly Update in www.sacredtrust.in
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SACRED Trust; Bangalore
Personality Development Training Programme for Rural Students
(Held at Kotagal Village; Kanakapura tq. 15th and 16th Aug 09)
Under the aegis of SACRED Trust, a two day Vyakthitva Vikasana Shibira (Personality Development Programme for village students) was held at the Kotagal Village, Kanakapura Taluq, Bangalore Rural District, on 15th and 16th of August 2009. The programme was conducted for 30s selected students of 8th, 9th and 10th standards of Sangama High School, Kotgal.
During the programme the students were exposed to various aspects of personality development through lectures, experiential learning exercises like Group work, Creative workshop, Public speaking, Quiz etc .
On the first day the importance of development of total personality – Poorna Vyaktitva Vikasana – in terms of development of Body, Mind /Intellect and Spiritual personality were discussed. The ten steps for personality development detailed by WHO were discussed in detail with practical illustrations. The session on improving communication and public speaking resulted in a sort of immediate success, as many students who were even afraid to speak from their own seats came forward to speak from the dais shedding all their fears. The group work to highlight the importance of co-operation in achieving common goals and improve inter personal relationship was absorbed very well by the participants.
The second day started with a creativity workshop. The participants were asked to show their skills in drawing and painting, Origami, Kirigami. Then the importance of creativity in life was discussed .Various suggestions given by UNESCO for the development of Creativity in Students were discussed with examples. A session on positive thinking followed by an experiential learning exercise evoked keen interest in the participants. The programme ended with a Quizz on literature, heritage and history of Karnataka in which all the students participated enthusiastically. The winning group was awarded prizes.
It was very heartening to see the zeal, enthusiasm, intelligence and commitment of these rural children for learning and succeeding in life.
The programme was co-ordinated by Dr. V. N. Vasudev, Founder, Managing Trustee of SACRED Trust assisted by Shri Bangara Shetty, Trustee and resident of Doddamudavadi Village. The two resource persons who conducted the programme are known all India for their accomplishments.
Resource Persons
Shri. S.Seetharamu, a Post graduate in Earth Science, ex General Manager and Chief Vigilance Officer of Syndicate Bank, with a very wide experience in Banking, Teaching at Bank Training Institutions of State Bank of India and Syndicate Bank, specialized in Behavioral science and soft skills, a writer in Kannada, an accomplished artist specialized in Wood Carving and Collages.
Shri. B. S. Chandrashekar, a Post graduate in Mathematics and Kannada, ex executive of State Bank of India, currently a faculty with National Institute for Rural Banking, with a very wide experience in Banking & Teaching as a faculty with State Bank of India, Staff Training Centre, specialized in Behavioral science and soft skills. A writer with many books to his credit including an award winning collection of poems for Children.
Shri. Seshagiri Muthya, a well wisher of the Trust, resident of Abudhabi, hosted Lunch and Tea for the students and staff on both days.
I am grateful to the highly learned resource persons- S. Seetharamu and B.S.Chandrashekhar- who took so much interest in training students at this remote village in Karnataka. I thank Seshagiri Muthya, for his kind gesture and Shri Chetan, Founder and Head Master of Sangama High School in Kotagal Village, Kanakapura Tq for providing this opportunity for the 30 students of his school to participate in the training programme.
RESOURCE PERSONS - Shri S.Seetaramu (6th from right) and Shri B.S.Chandra Shekar (5th from right). Shri Chetan Kumar, Head Master, Kotagal 'Sangama' High School, in brown jacket in the centre and his colleagues. Dr.V.N.Vasudev, Founder, SACRED Trust is 4th from right. Shri Bangara Shetty, Trustee and facilitator of the programme is 3rd from left. |
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Scenery Surrounding Kotagal Village |
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Charles E E Devenish, Chief Promotor, Australia India Rural Development Foundation and Stuart Newton, Botanist and Forestry Expert, Kumar, Head Master, GHPS, Kanakapura and N. Prabhakara, Teacher and Trustee distributing Computer Literacy Certificate to the students of the 4th Computer Training Programme for Rural Students held at Government Higher Primary School, Kanakapura in May 2008 |
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SACRED TRUST HAS ARRANGED ENGLISH TEACHING BY Shri.H.K.ERAPPA TO SCHOOL TEACHERS AT KANAKAPURA I am happy to report a new development in the service of the SACRED Trust in the cause of education in Rural Karnataka. At a request made by me a month ago, Shri H.K.Erappa, B.A., LLB, SAS, Advocate and Auditor, M/s Sachin Publications, Bangalore, has kindly consented to teach English language to the interested Government School Teachers in Kanakapura town. The first batch of teachers are from the Government Higher Primary School, Banantamma Badavane in Kanakapura. Please see the picture for a view of the first English coaching class being conducted by Shri.Erappa. The Head Master of the GHPS took the initiative of encouraging his colleague teachers to take this opportunity of learning English. The classes will be held on every Saturday initially for a period of 6 months. This is an attempt by the SACRED Trust in creating greater confidence in the teachers serving in rural areas to interact with their counter parts in metropolitan cities like Bangalore. Shri Erappa is well known for his books on Accounts Higher/Lower SAS Exams. He was recently interviewed on Chandana Doordarshan for his services to Government servants. He has been teaching English language to poor students in Bangalore city. |
COMPUTER TRAINING TO TEACHERS AT GHPS, KANAKAPURA It is now well known that over 100 students have been learning computers at GHPS, Kanakapura in the last 3 years. Now the school teachers of the same school, motivated by the Head Master Shri Kumar expressed their interest to me to undergo training in computers. The Trust commenced the training course to the teachers on 19th of June 2009 when 8 teachers attended the class. We hope that more teachers volunteer to learn computers. Dr.V.N.Vasudev |
Photos of the Dignitaries |
Vasudev, Managing Trustee introducing the Chief Guests |
Children in the hall-Photo1 |
Children in the hall - Photo2 |
Mr.Vijay Dwivedi distributing Prize |
Group Photo |
Mr.Vijay Dwivedi (on the left) handing over the Computers to Dr.Vasudev, Managing Trustee on 12.5.2009 |
Mr.Vijay Dwivedi with Kiran Joshi in front of CISCO office on Bannergatta Road |
CISCO DONATED 15 COMPUTERS TO THE TRUST TO SPREAD COMPUTER LITERACY AMONG RURAL STUDENTS IN KARNATAKA DATE: 12.5.2009 To Shri Vijay Dwivedi Sub: Acknowledgement of CISCO’s Donation of 15 computers to SACRED Trust to spread Computer Literacy among village students and youth. Dear Shri Vijay Dwivedi, This is to acknowledge the receipt of 15 computers as in the list attached from CISCO Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. on 12th of May 2009. I am grateful to you for so kindly arranging to deliver the computers after meticulously following the procedures laid down by CISCO Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. I am also grateful to the CEO of the CISCO Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. for this generous contribution to spreading computer literacy in rural Karnataka. As intended and expressed in writing by me I will use the computers for imparting training to village students in Kanakapura taluk, Ramanagar District. Right now the computers have been kept at the SACRED Trust’s Bangalore office located in Tyagaraj Nagar address as given in the gate pass issued by CISCO. I have signed the 4 page ‘Outward Non Returnable Gate Pass’ under the seal of the Trust and attached the same to this letter as advised by you. Yours sincerely Dr.V.N.Vasudev |
Visit of Mr.Seshagiri Muthya from Abudhabi to the Trust 5th Summer Computer Training Camp at Kanakapura. From L to R: Aktar Pasha, Seshagiri Muthya, V.N.Vasudev, H.M.Kumar, Narayana, Computer Literacy Co-ordinator |
A view of the students learning computers at the 5th Summer Training Course at GHPS, Kanakapura |
Mr.Seshagiri Muthya giving some helpful suggestion to the students learning Excel |
A view of the 1st batch of 20 students on the day of visit of Dr.Vasudev with Mr.Seshagiri Muthya on 13.5.09 |
5th Annual Computer Training Course for Rural Children On 13th of April 2009, our Trust has commenced it’s 5th Summer Computer Training Course for rural children at Trust’s computer centre in Government Higher Primary School, Kanakapura town. 83 children from Kanakapura town and surrounding villages are under going training. This is part of the Trust’s VIKAS Programme (VIKAS = Village India Knowledge-Aided Society). There is no fee prescribed for the training. The training is being imparted by our two computer literacy coordinators Shri Narayana and Smt. Mamata under the guidance of our Trustees Vijay Kumar and Nera Prabhakara. The course will go on for a duration of 25 days and then the second batch will commence. The best students will be awarded prizes and all the students will receive COMPUTER LITERATE certificate. |
3rd Quarter Meeting of the Trustees for the Year 2008-2009 The following topics were discussed at the above meeting of the Trustees. Shri Tushar Gandhi, the Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi who is also Chairman of Australia India Rural Development Foundation (AIRDF) and Ms.Jade Devenish, Director, AIRDF were present as guests and actively participated in the meeting. The following subjects were discussed. 1. Review of the services rendered by the trustees. 2. Nomination of Shri.Bangar Shetty, Doddamudavadi as a Trustee. 3. Nomination of new president of the trust (deferred). 4. Review of the progress of the last quarter a. 3rd Annual Science Exhibition. b. Progress regarding construction of pathway to the proposed building – Science and Spiritual Centre of the Trust at Doddamudavadi. c. Construction of Trust office in Tyagarajanagar, Bangalore d. Opening of new computer centers in Kanakapura and Ramanagaram taluk at Government Higher Primary School, Krishna Pura Doddi, Government Higher Primary School, Kadu Jakka Sandra (Near Harohalli) and Government Girls Model School, Chenna Basappa Circle, Kanakapura e. Letters of appreciation received from our computer centers in Kanakapura taluk and Ramanagaram district placing on record the service being rendered to build VIKAS (Village India Knowledge-Aided Society). f. Association with Global Academy of Technology (GAT) for study of Doddamudavadi Watershed and raising public opinion against pollution of Vrishabhavathi River. Prof.Y.Lingaraju of GAT who is leading this campaign explained the proposed programme for revival of Arkavati and its tributaries in the Arkavati river basin. Shri Nagaraj, Member, Doddamuduwadi Mandal Panchayat explained that if the cleaned water from Vrishabhavati river is linked to the tanks in the Doddamuduwadi – Kottagal tract it would benefit over 2000 farmers. Shri Tushar Gandhi explained about the need to involve the local villagers in this campaign. g. Expansion of size of the website of the Trust; this has been achieved. h. Production of wax candles as cottage industry for assisting BPL families: the manufacturing of candles has started. It has provided jobs to 4 people at Doddamuduwadi village. a. Requisitions received from villagers / Schools of Kanakapura taluk for establishing new computer centers. Four new computer centres will be established b. Requisition made to CISCO seeking donation of computers: there is a positive response received from Shri Vijay Dwivedi, software engineer CISCO who has taken the initiative and facilitating donation of 15 computers to the SACRED Trust. The donation may materialize before end of April 2009. c. Holding of the 4th Annual Science Exhibition on the theme "WATER AND OUR VILLAGE ENVIRONMENT" in Kanakapura taluk: There was very good response from the Trustees. Nera Prabhakara our district computer literacy coordinator and Shri Nagaraj from Doddamuduwadi Grama Panchayat who is also our Trustee strongly recommended that the next science exhibition be held at Doddamuduwadi village. Shri Nagaraj offered to extend all help in this regard. d. Holding 5th summer camp for computer education to rural students: the 5th Summer Training Camp commenced on the 13th of April 2009. A separate NOTE is posted in this website. f. Exhibition for creating computer awareness among villagers of Kanakapura and Ramanagara Taluks: this is still in the idea stage. |
3rd Annual Taluk level Science Exhibition The event was inaugurated by Shri N.H.Sathyamurthy, Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Karnataka who was to inaugurate the Science Exhibition could not make it.
The SACRED Trust has been organizing Science Exhibitions for rural students since 2005. The first village level exhibition was held at Doddamudavadi in Kanakapura Taluk, for two days in November 2005. Three thousand children from 180 schools participated in this event. The 2nd Taluk- level Science Exhibition was held in Kanakapura town on 3rd March 2008. In this event fifty-three schools from Kanakapura town and surrounding villages participated. About 1000 students, 150 teachers, B.Ed. students and the general public witnessed the event. There was a separate stall for demonstrating computer teaching and capabilities of desktops and laptops to the rural children. Last year, the computer exhibits attracted large numbers of the general public in Kanakapura tq. The highly popular AGASTYA Foundation had arranged demonstration of Science models. The models were explained by the students themselves. 81 Schools participated in the exhibition and about 2000 children witnessed the Science Exhibition. The exhibits were judged by two highly qualified judges, Dr.R.Srinivasan, an Earth Scientist of all India fame who recently retired as Deputy Director, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad and Shri S.Seetharamu, General Manager (Retd.) and Chief Vigilance Officer, State Bank of India. The first prize for the best exhibit was a Computer and there were other 150 prizes for individual students. Date: 28-12-2008 Dr.V.N.Vasudev, Founder, Managing Trustee |
SACRED Trust’s 16th Computer Training Centre Inaugurated at Machanur, Raichur District on 16-7-2008 |
Malathi Vasudev inagurating the 15th Computer Centre at the Harijan Colony at Indira Nagar Kanakapura on 15.6.08
MY DREAM I dream of a future India where there would be no difference between the urban and rural children and youth. For this to happen, we need to eradicate poverty. Poverty can be eradicated not by giving subsidies but by creating a knowledge society in village India to enable the farmers to better utilise whatever natural resources their villages are bestowed with, including better utilization of soil, limited water resources, organic manures, rocks and minerals. They should receive a decent value in terms of money for their efforts, be it agriculture or any other profession and at the same time middlemen and commission agents are rooted out. I dream of achieving the foregoing goals in the shortest possible time by establishing computer-training centres on a large scale in all the villages and teaching school children and youth from now on. At the same time start teaching English language from class one. This should be followed by laying internet cables "wiring all the villages". Present day children will be tomorrow's computer-literate youth. The youth and the children will drive the rest in that Knowledge-Aided Society. They will determine their own destiny as they share and become part of the global knowledge. In a village knowledge Society the people will be able to show case and sell the best of their handicrafts. With the knowledge of computers, village India will be able to interact with farmers in far away Thailand, Korea or Germany, Mexico or California to get to know how to grow the best of fruits, flowers and food grains. They will learn how to package their items and market them online. They will interact with Israeli farmers to improve upon drip irrigation techniques and water conservation methods. For James Muthoka, a farmer in Machakos, Kenya, his 27 years of hardship in his parched land disappeared when he learnt computers. He pulled off an agricultural wonder by following periodic advice from Kenya meteorological office. Our farmers are second to none. You train them and their children in computers and see the miracle happening. In such a scenario, I dream of middlemen and commission agents automatically disappearing from villages. There will be little room for corruption as all data become computerised and available online in Village-India. Unscrupulous politicians and bureaucrats can no longer cheat them. The undeserving rich would no longer be able to grab 45% of PDS ration cards as happened not long ago, read ToI of 28th December 07. My dream is not a fiction but a realisable reality. I quote my own efforts. I started on a programme of teaching computers to students in villages of Kanakapura taluq three years ago in year 2005. There are now 14 computer centres with 42 computers backed by UPS and batteries in 12 villages, many came as donations including 5 from Infosys Foundation. So far 2000 children have become computer literates. About 750 students in the age group of 8 to 16 are currently learning computers. I started this computer literacy programme with my own money and registered a Trust styled "Sahajananda Computer-aided Rural Education and Development Trust" abbreviated as SACRED Trust, see www.sacredtrust.in. The Directorate of Income Tax has given exemption u/s 80G of the IT Act. SSA of Govt of Karnataka has recognised the Trust. As everyone is aware, in Rural India there is heavy power cut. Whenever there is power there is also surge which is another problem burning bulbs, TVs, computer parts and even UPS. But these would be a thing of the past and my dream of VIKAS should become a reality as already ultramega power plants and 5 regional transmission grids are being set up across the country as told by the CMD of Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., New Delhi, see ToI of 28th December 07. In such a computer literate Village India farmers will be able to demand a decent price for their produce, labour and efforts. Their children will then have the same facilities as their urban counterparts. Our village children are all intelligent. I love their enthusiasm and smiling faces. They are quick at learning. I dream of that future Village-India Knowledge-Aided Society (VIKAS) for our computer-internet literate children and youth who would not feel shy to interact with our urban children and youth. Computers are the way for a decent living in a wired-village India. |
SACRED Trust's Computer Literacy Summer Camp of April 2008 held in Kanakapura: A report |
As soon as the school holidays were declared, our Rural computer training centres in 12 out of 13 villages had to be closed due to very poor attendence. We immediately thought about conducting a month long summer camp for interested students of Kanakapura town. The response was good. The well maintained Computer centre at the Govt School, Kankapura Town was chosen as the venue. Initially 65 students enrolled, 55 of them attended on all the 30days. Most of the students were girl students in the age group of 11 to 14. To increase the number of computers we transported some computers from our centres in near by villages to the summer camp venue. V.Kumar, the Head Master of the Govt School and his colleague Prabhakar, who is also our Trust's District Coordinator, extended all help to Narayana, our Trust's Computer Literacy Coordinator, to conduct the training programme commencing on 5th of April 08. One of our former students by name Mahesha, who teaches students at our Doddamudavadi computer Training Centre started assisting Narayana in teaching. The 30 days training programme came to an end today. A valedictory function was organised to distribute Computer Literacy certificates to all the students and prizes to 4 best students. I went to Kanakapura and Doddamudavadi accompanied by our another founder Trustee Nagaraj, MD of Vaman Pharma Ltd, V.N.Rajashekar, and Mr.Charles Devenish, Chairman of Australian Indian Resources and his friend Stuart Newton, a specialist in horticulturist, to attend the valeditory function. We distributed certificates to all the 55 students who attended the programme. 4 students who were chosen as merited among the 55 students were presented with English-Kannada dictionary. Some students spoke about what they have learnt at the Summer Camp. We were happy to see the students effortlessly explaining MS WORD, EXCEL, Power Point and Paint. The digital divide between the urban and rural students thus narrowed a little bit. Dr.V.N.Vasudev, Founder Managing Trustee |
3rd MARCH 2008
SACRED Trust organised a Science Exhibition in Kanakapura on 3rd March 2008 to encourage talented students of Primary and High School to exhibit their models and explain to other students and visitors.
The even attracted 1500 students from 53 schools of Kanakapura taluk. Models were exhibited by 106 students. All the participants were issued Certificates by the Trust and 15 students received prizes for their exhibits. photographs in the gallery show some facets of the events.